Although Oregon's early diagnosis rate is above average compared to other states in the country, we still need to do more to make sure people at high-risk get screened for lung cancer, one of the most preventable types of cancer.
At Compass Oncology, we participate in Lung Cancer Awareness Month in November by helping raise awareness of this often preventable disease. Lung cancer is the second most common type of cancer diagnosis in both men and women. We encourage you to educate yourself and join us in spreading the word about the prevalence of lung cancer and the best ways to reduce the risks of developing it.
Four Things You Can Do to Reduce the Risk of Lung Cancer
1) Stop Smoking
This seems obvious, but it's easier said than done. The overwhelming majority of diagnosed lung cancer cases can be linked to long-term cigarette smoking. According to the Centers for Disease Control, there are some ways scientifically proven to help people stop smoking, including:
- Participating in individual or group counseling
- Using over-the-counter or prescription nicotine-replacement products (patches, gums, inhalers, etc.)
- Using prescription non-nicotine medications (Zyban® or Chantix®).
Combining counseling and medication will boost your likelihood of success.
🔎 Related Read: 6 Tips to Quit Smoking and Reduce Lung Cancer Risk
2) Avoid Secondhand Smoke
Both the smoke from the lit end of a cigarette and the smoke exhaled by a smoker contains approximately 70 known cancer-causing materials. Approximately 7,300 nonsmokers die in the United States each year because they developed lung cancer from breathing secondhand smoke. Reduce your risks by asking people not to smoke in your home or car, or anywhere around you. Explain that smoke irritates your eyes and throat. Avoid bars, restaurants, and other businesses that allow smoking. If you must be near cigarette smoke, open a window.
🔎 Related Read: Top 5 Causes of Lung Cancer in Non-Smokers
3) Reduce Radon Gas Exposure
After smoking, the second most common contributor to lung cancer is exposure to radon gas. According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 20,000 lung cancer deaths per year are radon-related. Radon is a naturally occurring colorless and odorless gas that forms when radioactive elements in soils and rocks break down.
The Oregon Public Health Division recommends that all homes be tested for radon gas. This online map describes the radon gas risk levels for Oregon, including the Portland area. You can order an inexpensive radon test kit here.
4) Consider Your Work Environment
Even if you're a nonsmoker, avoid secondhand smoke, and have confirmed that your home doesn't have elevated levels of radon, you could still be exposed to risks at work. If you work around cancer-causing materials or pollution, such as asbestos or diesel exhaust, it's important to take precautions. Respirators can filter out cancer-causing particles, chemicals, and gases from the air you breathe. Learn about effective respiratory protection on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration website.
Spread the Word about Lung Cancer Prevention!
The American Lung Association works tirelessly year-round to raise lung cancer awareness. If you're interested in helping spread the word during Lung Cancer Awareness Month or beyond, here are some ways you can get involved:
- Participate in an inspiring Lung Force Walk or Run fundraiser. There are opportunities to participate in cities across the United States and Canada, and many more events are scheduled throughout the year.
- Go turquoise. In November, turn your social media profiles turquoise in support of lung health.
- Join the Lung Action Network for alerts about opportunities to contact elected officials in advance of pending legislation affecting lung-health issues.
- Volunteer to facilitate a tobacco cessation group.
Take the time and effort to spread the word as well as reduce your personal risk and your family's risk of developing lung cancer. It's worth every bit of effort!
Original content published September 2022. Updated February 2025.