If you are a current patient at Compass Oncology, please contact the location where you would like to make your appointment.
If you are a new patient looking to make an appointment at Compass Oncology, visit our New Patient Appointment Request page to request an appointment via our online form.
Our normal office hours are 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday, but may vary by location. We make every effort to give you an appointment time that is most convenient for your schedule. Should you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please try to give us at least 24-hour notice. If your regular physician is not scheduled to be in the office and an appointment is needed for that day, one of our other physicians will be happy to see you. There may be other times such as evenings and weekends when another physician will be providing your care. We practice as partners and work as a cohesive team.
We ask that for appointments you always: