Cancer Treatment Tips and Side Effect Management

Cancer treatment often results in side effects that can range from mildly uncomfortable to significantly disruptive of daily life. The expert cancer care team at Compass Oncology is dedicated to helping patients prevent, treat, or effectively manage these side effects.

The severity and timing of side effects can vary widely during cancer treatment. Different types of treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation, may cause different side effects.

The purpose of this section is to provide you with initial information about cancer treatment, potential side effects, how it could relate to you and your treatments, and ways to manage the side effects.

We realize, at first, much of this information could feel overwhelming. The intent is for Compass Oncology patients and their families to have access to information you may want to refer to now, or perhaps in the coming weeks if you have questions. If you need information or have concerns you do not find addressed here, please do not hesitate to ask your Compass Oncology nurse or physician. We care about you and want to ensure that you and your family feel you have been fully informed and have the support you need.

Managing the Possible Side Effects of Cancer Treatment

While some side effects of cancer treatment can be avoided, many can be managed or effectively treated. The specific side effects you experience and their intensity can differ from person to person, largely depending on the type of treatment received. 

Click a topic below to learn more. 

Hair Loss and Wigs

Skin and Nail Care



Mouth Changes






Bowel Changes

Diet and Exercise


Blood Work



"Chemo Brain"



Emotional Well-Being

Sexual Complications

Additional Patient Resources

Our staff of cancer care specialists is here to provide you, and your family, with support during this time as you work together with your physician and healthcare team.

Compass Oncology also has additional information on local Portland area support groups, education programs, and supportive services available within our community.