Oncology Care Model — OCM

3 things to know

Call us first. When to call the Triage Nurse
When you are generally not feeling well — running a fever, having increased or uncontrolled pain, or experiencing symptoms after receiving chemotherapy — call your Compass Triage Nurse first.
If you are experiencing an emergency call 911.

Keep in touch with Navigating Care Patient Portal (To ensure your privacy and the security of your medical records we’re asking our patients to enroll when you are in the clinic)
Get Organized, Contact Your Care Team, Access Information, and Find Support. 
We are going to take good care of you.
The Oncology Care Model (OCM) is a new approach used in doctor’s offices treating cancer patients, like right here at Compass. The goal of OCM is to provide higher quality, more coordinated cancer care, at a lower cost to patients and Medicare. We know you will have a lot of questions and encourage you to turn to any of us to get them answered.
More information: