Compass Oncology Blog

5 Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer That Every Woman Should Know

Written by Admin | Sep 15, 2017 12:00:00 AM

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, so it's a good time to learn more about early detection to help save lives. Certain risk factors, including being overweight and a history of ovarian cancer in the family, may increase your chances of being diagnosed. Ovarian cancer research clinical trials are underway, but it's still good for patients to be educated about detecting ovarian cancer early.

Only 19% of women are diagnosed in the early stages of this disease. That’s because many symptoms of ovarian cancer could also be signs of less serious medical problems. If you notice any of these symptoms for more than 12 days per month and they are new to you, it is time to visit your gynecologist for a checkup:

1. Low Energy

A general lack of energy that is unexplained and can't be fixed with diet or exercise could also be a sign of cancer. If you have tried taking vitamins, getting more sleep and other traditional remedies without success, it's worth a trip to the doctor to find out what is going on.

2. Changes in Menstruation

A change to your period cycle could be related to ovarian health. If you are premenopausal and suddenly have more painful periods or an irregular cycle, you should schedule a physical with your doctor. This is especially true if you are unable to manage a regular and pain-free cycle even while on oral birth control. Similarly, if you are postmenopausal and have unexpected bleeding you should make an appointment with a gynecologist.

3. Frequent Urination

Women with ovarian cancer may also notice that they suddenly have to use the restroom more frequently. You may also notice that your urgency to use the bathroom also increases. Because your bladder and ovaries are close together, your urinary tract can be affected by the health of your ovaries.

4. Changes in Appetite

Some women with ovarian cancer will notice they suddenly have trouble eating or become full very quickly. If you can't explain these changes in your appetite due to stress or other known stomach problems, you should schedule an appointment with your physician.

5. Bloating or Increase in Abdominal Girth

Bloating can be a common symptom of PMS or eating a lot of salt. However, if you have a sudden increase in the size of your abdomen it could also signal a problem with your ovarian health. You may or may not have pain and discomfort along with bloating, even if it is a symptom of ovarian cancer.

Early detection is key for overcoming ovarian cancer. The sooner it is identified, the earlier you can start treatment. If you notice any of these signs for a prolonged period of time or they can't be explained, visit your doctor as soon as possible.